SPIN drops in on the Detroit Music Awards for the Nug'/Amboy Dukes reunion

SPIN visits the Detroit Music Awards and liked what it saw, which included a Ted Nugent reunion with the Amboy Dukes. Don't worry, the Nug' didn't shoot anyone with a bow an arrow.


Despite a few rust-induced hiccups, the event (and make no mistake, this was an event) was a pleasure to witness. The Dukes' three-song set consisted of "Baby, Please Don't Go", "Journey to the Center of The Mind," and an awesome rendition of Mitch Ryder's "Jenny Take A Ride," featuring original Ryder drummer Johnny Bee. Nugent, who was recently slammed for referring to his hometown as a "scab," was full of compliments for the Motor City during his numerous rants.

Other highlights of the evening included a tribute to Stooges guitarist Ron Asheton, who passed away earlier this year. Former Rationals frontman Scott Morgan, together with his new band Powertrane and Cult Heroes singer Hiawatha Bailey, performed the Stooges classics "1969," "Down on the Street," and "I Wanna Be Your Dog."

Read the entire article here.
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