13-year-old Detroit girl gets national attention for civility lesson

Detroiter Keira Bell, an eighth-grader from Courtis Elementary/Middle school, has gotten national attention for her manners and gusto for challenging a city councilwoman. Bell gave Council President Pro Tem Monica Conyers a lesson in civility at a panel discussion.


According to a video of the actual discussion, Ms. Conyers told Miss Bell that she found Mr. Cockrel's behavior disrespectful. Miss Bell said, "But you didn't have to call him a name."

"But now you're telling me what I should have and should not have done," said Ms. Conyers.

"You're an adult. You have that choice," said Miss Bell.

"I'm what?" said Ms. Conyers.

"You're an adult," said Miss Bell. "You had that choice....Sometimes people need to think before they act."

Read the entire article here.
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