
New York Times: DSO getting national attention for live streaming

'Rust Belt Chic: The Detroit Anthology' to be released in May

Feature Story rauhauserlist

Bill Rauhauser's decisive moment

Techno titan Carl Craig talks to Thump about Detroit

Freep Film Fest features Michigan-based docs, panel discussions March 20-23

Feature Story playhouselist

Playing house on the porous border

Detroit, oui: In French, Le Figaro waxes cool about the city

Detroit love: Come feel it at daylong event at Charles H. Wright

Lovio George expands in Midtown with 2 new hires

Feature Story hamtownmusiclist

Hamtown rocks!

HuffPost Detroit: Get fresh spin on unknown classics of Motown

HuffPost Detroit: Meet eight women of color transforming Detroit

UK techno artist Powell performs in newly branded Corktown venue

New ideas and forward-thinking actions are all part of the arts in the D. Visual artists, including painters, sculptors, designers, architects; and musicians working in nearly every genre (or sub-genre) under the sun and moon are here doing their funky thing.

All provide the foundation for multiple healthy scenes. Much of what we do here is recognized on a global scale. And sometimes the world comes to us. Just tap that cute girl or guy on the shoulder at Hamtramck's Public Pool next time you're there and ask if they're speaking Danish or Dutch. It was Danish last time we did that. The arts are happening in Detroit, and they stay hot year round.