
Calling all artists: Apply now to do creative makeover of viaducts

Detroit Party Marching Band home from EU blast

Feature Story jennylafemmelist

UIX: Jenny Feterovich and Parliament Studios

Henry Ford Academy students receive scholastic art awards

ArtServe study helps highlight local creative economy

Feature Story dickslaststandlist

This week in Detroit, love is all you need

Feature Story commieschool-list

Jazz mentoring hitting the right notes in Midtown

MOCAD opens two new shows with Friday party

Fathead adds a couple dozen hires in downtown

Legendary Baker's Keyboard plans second location downtown

IAYD plans year of helping young entrepreneurs succeed in business

'Geektown Detroit' illustrates city's early techno scene

Groovebox Studios grows staff as it expands across U.S.

BBC audio: Motown's 'Black Forum' spoken word label

Agency 720 hires 20 as it grows in downtown Detroit

New ideas and forward-thinking actions are all part of the arts in the D. Visual artists, including painters, sculptors, designers, architects; and musicians working in nearly every genre (or sub-genre) under the sun and moon are here doing their funky thing.

All provide the foundation for multiple healthy scenes. Much of what we do here is recognized on a global scale. And sometimes the world comes to us. Just tap that cute girl or guy on the shoulder at Hamtramck's Public Pool next time you're there and ask if they're speaking Danish or Dutch. It was Danish last time we did that. The arts are happening in Detroit, and they stay hot year round.