Building Communities

Feature Story Ritchie Harrison

UIX: Ritchie Harrison and Jefferson East Inc.

Detroit to receive PlacePlans econ assistance

Detroit 'Gayborhood' idea gets play in Slate, Deadline Detroit

News: Detroit Soup cooking up neighborhood entrepreneurship

Feature Story brothernaturelist

UIX: Greg Willerer and Brother Nature Produce

Midtown Detroit Inc. receives its first ULI Global Award for Excellence

Guardian UK weighs in on young professionals investing in Detroit

Joe Posch: Duggan's victory speech historic for Detroit's LGBT community

Public Pool to host fundraiser for Hamtown Farms

Feature Story Kidscornerlist

On the Ground: Brightmoor's art club for kids

Feature Story councilmaplist

Detroit by District: Election day, time to vote

Hamtown Farms raising funds to save green investment

This series tells the stories of Detroit changemakers using business acumen to empower and build communities. With this year's stories supported by Build Institute, we report on entrepreneurs and innovators shaping the city's business ecosystems.