Building Communities

'Detroit Unleaded' premieres Wednesday at DFT

Detroit Venture Partners scores $2.25M from Pure Michigan

Feature Story dayofthedeadlist-2

Belle Isle to 8 Mile: Day of the Dead

Feature Story laurenhoodlist1013

UIX: Lauren Hood and Deep Dive Detroit

Coalition of Detroit environmental groups releases Detroit voter guide

Freep's Gallagher to mayoral candidates: Don't forget Detroit Future City

TVS Communication Solutions moves to downtown Detroit

Feature Story groundlist102213

On the Ground: Youth entrepreneurship in action

Feature Story matrixlist1013

UIX: Andrea Scobie and Matrix Theatre Company

Feature Story barteddylist1013

On the Ground: Curbside economics in Brightmoor

Feature Story Brightmoor revisited

Brightmoor Alliance revisited

Focus: HOPE receives $50,000 grant for HOPE Village Initiative

Biergartens pop up this week downtown and in Villages

Detroit Venture Partners grows fund to $50M

Feature Story Open City

Open City: Introducing Detroit BizGrid

This series tells the stories of Detroit changemakers using business acumen to empower and build communities. With this year's stories supported by Build Institute, we report on entrepreneurs and innovators shaping the city's business ecosystems.