In Hamtramck, vinyl records keep on spinning at Record Graveyard

CDs or MP3s be damned, the records keep on spinning in Hamtramck.


If Jeff Garbus doesn’t have it, Mike Smith does. And if Smith doesn’t have it, Garbus does. That’s pretty much been the modus operandi of Hamtramck’s two vinyl record dealers.
Garbus, who owns and operates Record Graveyard, specializes in more soul albums (though he has more then 100,000 records to choose from) whereas Smith, who does the same with Detroit Threads, tends to stock a lot of local rock and techno albums. Smith also sells a lot of vintage clothing (really vintage everything) and Detroit-influenced ware at his shop. But, still, he has a lot of records.
“I think we’re the two best record shops in southeast Michigan,” Smith said, who actually grew up with Garbus in Westland. “We bring people from all over Michigan, and all over the world. We’re destination spots for the city of Hamtramck.”

Read the rest of The Citizen story here.
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