Move to Detroit

Feature Story wsulist912

Detroit Revitalization Fellow: Brian Connors

Josh Linkner: Investing in Detroit good as gold

Hatch Detroit picks 10 semi-finalists

Feature Story detroitfellowslist812

Detroit Revitalization Fellow: Felicia Andrews

Young people tackle re-imagining and redefining Detroit

Matt Dear: 'Detroit hypnotizing, fascinating, great place for artists'

Skateboard shop CHIIPSS makes move to Hamtramck from Plymouth

Broderick Tower creates dozens of jobs as it nears completion

Move to Detroit, build community, get some rent money

Greater downtown lifestyle buzz gets Freep's attention

Nutrition company Savorfull moves into New Center

Title Source brings 1,500 more workers to downtown Detroit

First wave of Venture for America fellows land in Detroit

Young couple launch eDetroit marketing agency in Green Garage

AJ's Coffeeworks coffee house comes home to Highland Park

Despite a slow and steady population loss, Detroit is attracting new residents and welcoming back wayward sons and daughters. The lure of cheap real estate is part of it, but many speak also of possibility, potential and room for creativity. And cheap real estate.