
Inventev develops hybrid tech for commercial trucks

Microcide aims to rid world of toxic-cleaning substances

Feature Story harbortownlist

Green Grocer: Finding fresh food in greater downtown

Green builders raising funds for AFTERHOUSE project hires 7, moves to David Stott Building

Feature Story brothernaturelist

UIX: Greg Willerer and Brother Nature Produce

Public Pool to host fundraiser for Hamtown Farms

Hamtown Farms raising funds to save green investment

DTE Energy partners with Eastern Market on $750K social space

Freep's Gallagher to mayoral candidates: Don't forget Detroit Future City

Feature Story metrolandlist1013

Green Grocer: A fresh food oasis in Northwest Detroit

Feature Story vegansoul1013list

UIX: Detroit Vegan Soul

Greening of Detroit will plant over 1,525 trees this fall

Detroit Labs moves into new office with 20 new hires

Kraemer Design Group expands staff, local workload

Eastern Market lands $100K for small biz microloans

There are lots of hopeful signs that Detroit is taking sustainability seriously, with bicycling, recycling, urban agriculture, green architecture and renewable energy each at the forefront of serious conversations about the city's future. A long time coming, but well worth the wait.