
Folk-rocker Audra Kubat revives open mic at Union Street

Ride It Sculpture Park readies for phase II upgrades

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Opinion: Keep DIA collection off the table

D:hive announces Pilot winner, bringing CANVASxDetroit downtown

Feature Story joel813.aspx

UIX: Joel Peterson and Trinosophes Cafe

Detroit Creative Corridor Center welcomes 16 new firms

Detroit artist Audra Kubat looking to fund new album

The Work of Art focuses on integrating art into education

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Detroit Regional City talk recapped

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UIX: Monty Luke and Black Catalogue

Open house at 71 Garfield previews new classes

Rebel Nell turns jewelry making into social entrepreneurship

Feature Story arts and scraps list-2

Power up Detroit with a little giving

The Detroit Wood Type Co. set up shop inside Signal-Return

New ideas and forward-thinking actions are all part of the arts in the D. Visual artists, including painters, sculptors, designers, architects; and musicians working in nearly every genre (or sub-genre) under the sun and moon are here doing their funky thing.

All provide the foundation for multiple healthy scenes. Much of what we do here is recognized on a global scale. And sometimes the world comes to us. Just tap that cute girl or guy on the shoulder at Hamtramck's Public Pool next time you're there and ask if they're speaking Danish or Dutch. It was Danish last time we did that. The arts are happening in Detroit, and they stay hot year round.