Film Industry Incentives in Detroit, as compiled by Erik Tungate of the
Detroit Economic Growth CorporationSummary of Michigan Film Industry Incentives:
- Must spend at least $50,000 in the city of Detroit to be eligible.
- 42% cash rebate, across the board, on city of Detroit expenditures.
- Labor & crew: 40 to 42% below the line; 40 to 42% above the line regardless of domicile; 30% non-resident below the line.
- 25% infrastructure tax credit program as well as nontransferable, nonrefundable workforce development tax credit for hiring and training current Michigan crewmembers to a higher level.
- $2 million salary cap per employee per production. There is no other cap and no sunset.
City of Detroit Local Film Office can assist you with they following:
- Processing of your no-cost Detroit Film Office application, required permits and insurance certificate.
- Connections to local film talent and media personnel.
- Workforce development program.
DEGC's incentive & loan programs that could complement film credits include:
- Brownfield Redevelopment Program
- Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Program
- Personal Property Tax Abatement
- Subsidized Loan Programs
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