One step forward, two back: Housing, employment challenges create barriers to self-sufficiencyResilient Neighborhoods Feature

In Detroit’s Islandview neighborhood, financial instability and housing insecurity are pressing realities.

To address these challenges, the Church of the Messiah Housing Corporation, a nonprofit separate from but affiliated with the church, launched the RESS program, which stands for Residents Empowered to Succeed Strategically. The initiative helps residents achieve self-sufficiency through financial planning, stable employment and secure housing.

“We were shocked to see that in our two zip codes, 48207 and 48214, over 50% of the population wasn’t even in the workforce,” Richard Cannon, executive director of Church of the Messiah Housing Corporation, says. “That means they're not even in the 'unemployment' status."

This bleak statistic led to the creation of RESS, which measures success through stable housing, employment that meets financial needs, and sustainable budgeting. The program offers workshops on financial literacy, credit, education and employment; assists with accessing better opportunities; and provides coaching for spiritual, physical and mental health.

Central to the program is the Self-Sufficiency Matrix, an assessment tool that helps participants establish a benchmark based on their knowledge and ability to access needed services. This starting point allows for tracking progress over time, with each advancement marking a step toward independence—an important achievement in a community where systemic inequities have created additional barriers to success.

Addressing the housing crisis – virtually

“In Detroit, Black households earn about 75% of what white households earn in median income,” Cannon explains. “Yet affordable housing prices are based on 80% of the metro Detroit area’s median income—which is nearly double Detroit’s median. This disparity makes it even harder for Detroiters to access affordable housing.”

Consequently, housing affordability is central to the program’s mission.

"We need more units right now,” says Cannon. “There's probably 20% of all renters who are paying close to half their income in housing. That's evictions waiting to happen and homelessness episodes, so we've got to have more housing now."

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the challenges of addressing housing affordability became even more prevalent. The crisis forced many organizations to rethink how they operated.

For RESS, a switch to virtual operations was beneficial.

"The pandemic forced us out of what was the housing office space,” RESS Program Manager Robert Alexander-Jordan says. “We moved to virtual, and I digitized all of the files, and we have not yet gone back into the office. There really isn't a need for it."

The shift away from in-person-only services remains a defining aspect of how RESS interacts with its clients today. By operating online, the program meets participants where they are—both physically and in terms of their unique challenges.

The approach emphasizes flexibility, allowing clients to schedule appointments on their own time and equipping them with foundational skills like attendance and communication. He works closely with clients to create tailored action plans that address their unique circumstances and that guide them step-by-step toward their goals.

"I think what we offer, while it's very basic, it's a necessary skill that either people have chosen to not make time for or truly do not understand, or honestly cannot do,” Alexander-Jordan says. “These people are not lazy."

Residents move towards independence

For participants like Ms. Hopkins, who is experiencing homelessness for the first time, this level of personalized support has been transformative. Hopkins shares the struggles of navigating a system where housing and employment are deeply interconnected, a cycle she says is nearly impossible to get out of.

“It is a very discomforting feeling when you're homeless. I haven't taken a bath in 90 days, and then you're telling me to go here, there, and everywhere else, and then I get there and they can't assist me,” she says. “‘You don't qualify because you're homeless.’ Well, what do you qualify for in a shelter? Because if I have to get out and work for it on my own and figure it out on my own, then what is the point of the resources?”

Despite these barriers, RESS has helped her with a critical first step—employment.
Hopkins recently secured a job and is awaiting her first paycheck, but the hurdles to securing housing remain challenging.

"I have an appointment today to go to one of the housing apartments that Mr. Jordan gave me to take a look at it, and do the application,” Hopkins says. “But see this is the thing…I'm homeless, I'm actively in the shelter, and it's $150 to fill out the application fee. It's $50 for the application, and then it's $100 for an admin fee."

While she says RESS will help her with the fees, she feels bad asking for more beyond what the program already provided. And her frustrations don’t end there, extending the broader challenges of surviving in a system that often feels indifferent to her struggles.

“I’m in a shelter, and DHS cut my food stamps, saying I didn’t submit a report, but I have screenshots proving I did,” Hopkins says. “I’m a diabetic, and the shelter only feeds us twice a day. It’s exhausting.”

Someone to listen

In the face of these overwhelming obstacles, Hopkins still credits the program for its support, stating that the best part of it has been having someone to talk to who actually understands her struggle.

“What has made a difference is just having someone to vent to, because I was so frustrated with the situation, because I applied for an apartment, I was denied because I got an eviction, and Mr. Jordan just understood where I am,” Hopkins says. “It's not a hard situation, it's just a bit complex…You're constantly overwhelmed. The doors are constantly shutting in your face. So, at this point, I just feel helpless.”

Hopkins’ experience reflects the challenges many RESS participants face as they work toward stability, but the program’s tailored approach offers a path forward.

For 2025, the organization has set a goal to help at least 30 residents either improve their education or secure employment. By addressing barriers like lack of access to housing and steady income, RESS aims to give participants not only the tools but also the confidence to succeed.

Looking ahead, the program plans to expand its workshop offerings and partner with the city to grow its resources, ensuring more residents like Hopkins have the support they need to overcome obstacles and achieve economic stability.

Resilient Neighborhoods is a reporting and engagement series examining how Detroit residents and community development organizations work together to strengthen local neighborhoods. It's made possible with funding from The Kresge Foundation.

Read more articles by Layla McMurtrie.

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