Last week, we reported on Wayne State University's upcoming renovation and expansion of its
Chemistry Building. But that's just the beginning of what is going to be looking all spruced up, thanks to the nearly $900 million the university raised through its Wayne First capital campaign.
The best part of all is that the campaign's goal was to raise only $500 million. But rest assured, WSU has plans for each and every ducat.
Along with the Chemistry Building, ground will break this summer on the Richard J. Mazurek, M.D. Medical Education Commons, located on Canfield east of John R. The facility will nearly double in size and will receive significant upgrades, as will the medical library. More than $25 million was donated by Nick Labedz for this undertaking, the largest individual donation in WSU's history.
Wayne First already contributed to the development of the mixed-use South University Village, the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and the Marvin I. Danto Engineering Development Center.
Further along on the agenda is the construction of the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights, which will be built near or adjacent to the current law school building.
Some Wayne State First funds are being used to bolster the university's endowment. The campaign accrued 400,000 gifts from WSU alumni and friends, along with donations from corporations and foundations. The campaign also collected more than $30 million in contributions from employees, six times its original goal.
Source: Bernice Lopata, associate vice president for advancement services, WSU
Writer: Kelli B. Kavanaugh
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