Hamtramck's first live/work loft development, the Vet Park Lofts, has wrapped up construction on two of its four units. The units are priced at $185,000 for a 1,000 square foot upper unit and $189,000 for a 1,350 square foot two-level lower unit.
Developer Chris Bray plans to finish the other two units as soon as he has purchase agreements for two of the units, which he is optimistic will occur "pretty quickly." He says more than 100 people viewed the development at a recent open house and says the reaction was "very positive. The reaction so far is indicative of how well they turned out."
Bray points out that the Vet Park project is the first loft condominium project in Hamtramck but says, "This is the first of many, I believe."
Vet Park Lofts is lcoated on Jos. Campau at Goodson, across the street from Veteran's Park. Read more detail about the units in
previous Model D coverage.
Source: Chris Bray, developer, Vet Park Lofts
Writer: Kelli B. Kavanaugh
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