In our last issue, Model D rounded up a few downtown newbies into one Development News article (see
here). This week, we venture out a bit.
Up in New Center, things haven't stopped now that CityFest is wrapped up. A new clothing boutique, Rock & Soul, has opened up on Woodward just south of W. Grand Blvd. Check it out Monday through Friday 10 am to 6 pm or Saturday 10 am to 7 pm. The shop is at 6534 Woodward Avenue and can be reached at 313-758-0445.
In Hamtramck, a national restaurant chain called
Johnny's Lunch -- an old-fashioned diner, complete with red hots, sliders and shakes -- will open a location in the Towne Center shopping plaza at Jos. Campau and Holbrook. Johnny's is currently located in Toledo and Jamestown, NY; the Hamtramck location is one of six planned for Michigan.
Kumon Math and Reading Center has opened in Mexicantown's
Lithuanian Hall. The 1,500-square foot center offers remedial and advanced tutoring for students from pre-school to high school. Visit 3750 W. Vernor Highway or call 248-290-0450 x257.
Further Southwest, the National City bank branch at W. Vernor and Dragoon has opened its doors to the public. Click
here for more information.
On Michigan Avenue in Corktown, the
Zeitgeist Gallery and Performance Venue has installed some cool metal sculptures in the flower boxes in front of their building. Not coincidentally, it is celebrating its tenth anniversary this month -- with a laundry list of exhibitions and events. Definitely worth a look-see.
Meanwhile, back downtown, 1001 Woodward has really overhauled its
website. Could concrete news about the condominium development be far behind? We'll let you know what we find out.
Kelli B. Kavanaugh
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