New pocket park planned in NW Goldberg neighborhood to feature retro games and activities

What’s happening: In building a better future for the children of Detroit’s NW Goldberg neighborhood, community leaders are looking to the past. The community-based NW Goldberg Cares nonprofit has announced plans to activate a vacant lot and transform it into RETRO PLAY PARK, complete with activities that harken back to the 20th century.

What’s planned: A 6,175 sq. ft. pocket park will be built atop a vacant lot in NW Goldberg where the once ubiquitous games of four-square, tetherball, and hopscotch will be installed. Project organizers want to bring back those playground games that have become harder to find at new-build playgrounds, introducing them to a new generation of children while also attracting adults to utilize the park through a touch of nostalgia.

Also planned: In addition to the two four-square courts, two tetherball poles, and two hopscotch courses, organizers will install custom-designed seating built by Detroit’s Donut Shop and public art from local legend Ghostbeard.

Big picture: The new pocket park would become the seventh park built by NW Goldberg Cares as part of their 20 by ‘25 initiative, which aims to create 20 public community spaces in NW Goldberg by Dec. 31, 2025.

[Related: Read “20 by ‘25: Take a tour of the rapidly expanding network of pocket parks of NW Goldberg” as part of the award-winning Model D Explorer Series.]

How they’re doing it: The RETRO PLAY PARK project has been accepted into the state’s placemaking initiative Public Spaces Community Places, a joint effort from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), Michigan Municipal League, and Patronicity. As part of the initiative, organizers have launched a $25,000 crowdfunding campaign on the Michigan-based Patronicity platform. Should they successfully reach their goal by Thursday, Oct. 24, the MEDC will contribute a $25,000 matching grant to the project.

Learn more about the RETRO PLAY PARK project on Patronicity.

Why it’s important: “Children need places where they can be curious and learn about those around them and their environment,” says Dan Gilmartin, Executive Director and CEO of the Michigan Municipal League. “This investment in the NW Goldberg neighborhood will create a lasting, positive impact that the community will enjoy for generations to come. The RETRO PLAY PARK will take an unutilized space and give it purpose, which is what placemaking is all about.”

The RETRO PLAY PARK is coming to 2510 Marquette St. in Detroit.

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MJ Galbraith is Model D's development news editor. Follow him on Twitter @mikegalbraith.