Nine shopping districts move ahead toward Re$tore Detroit designations

The Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Commercial Revitalization (ONCR) has selected nine communities to advance to the second round toward designation as ONCR Re$tore Detroit! Districts. These communities were selected from the 17 applicants because of their organizational capacity and a demonstration of a broad base of neighborhood support, according to Marja Winters of the Planning and Development Department.

The three communities that receive final approval will receive grants of up to $600,000 over five years to strengthen their neighborhood commercial shopping district. The nine organizations still in the running will receive a $5,000 stipend to be used towards preparing their final application, which will include an economic assessment of their district and a long-term funding strategy that includes private sector investment.

The nine applicants that have moved forward include:

•    Community Planning Associate: Joy Road from Southfield to Grandmont
•    Focus: HOPE Revitalization: Davison Avenue from Dexter to Rosa Parks
•    Gratiot McDougall United CDC: Gratiot Avenue from McDougall to St. Aubin
•    Greater Corktown Development Corp.: Michigan Ave. from 6th to 20th
•    Michigan Avenue Business Association: Michigan Ave. from 53rd to Springwells
•    Prevailing CDC: W. Warren from Martin to W. Grand Blvd.
•    University Cultural Center Association: Woodward from Canfield to Temple
•    U-SNAP-BAC: E. Warren from Devonshire to Cadieux
•    Vanguard CDC/New Center Council: Woodward from Baltimore to Bethune and E. Grand Blvd. from Woodward to I-75

The evaluation and selection process will occur over the fall, with final section to be made in December.

Marja Winters, City of Detroit Planning & Development Department

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