Rental and for-sale housing available to dislocated Hamtramck residents

Former residents of Hamtramck that were displaced by targeted demolition of predominantly-black neighborhoods have until December 1 to receive prioritized rentals of new two-bedroom homes scattered around the city. The homes can be had for $157 to $976 per month, depending on the applicant's income level.

The subsidized rate is also available to the children and grandchildren of those displaced. The three relevant neighborhoods are Grand Haven-Dyar and Dequindre between Caniff and Commor; the Wyandotte neighborhood, west of Joseph Campau and south of Holbrook; and the Denton-Miller neighborhood, west of Conant and south of the Grand Trunk Railroad tracks. The new homes are part of a settlement from a court case started in 1971 by Judge Damon Keith.

After December 1, the properties will be made available to the general public. Sixty homes have so far been constructed.

Hamtramck is also developing 60 for-sale two-bedroom homes for the affected parties. These homes are located in the Grand Haven-Dyar are west of I-75. Purchase prices start at just $105,000 with up to $65,000 in additional subsidies available.

Fifteen of these homes have been completed with nine occupied and another five under purchase agreement. The next phase is 33 homes to be built across the freeway.

“We’ve found about 250 people who qualify for this program, but there are undoubtedly others scattered throughout the cities of Detroit and Highland Park,” said representing attorney Michael Barnhart in a statement.

For additional information, including a map showing the streets affected in the case, visit To determine eligibility, contact local coordinator Juanita Jones at 248-346-6311.

Source: Juanita Jones
Writer: Kelli B. Kavanaugh

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