The City of Hamtramck held a public hearing on April 4 as one more step
towards enabling Neighborhood Enterprise Zone designation along its
main artery, Jos. Campau. City Council is expected to grant final
approval June 13, at which time construction can begin on several
projects within the new NEZ boundaries.
Hamtramck’s current tax rates is 60 mills, and the city’s community and
economic development director, Erik Tungate, explains the importance of
the abatement as, “NEZ reduces owner occupied property taxes to
approximately 20 mills. That’s a serious reduction.”
Two projects awaiting the NEZ-enabling vote include the construction of
five townhouse units on Mitchell Street and the renovation of a
mixed-use building at Belmont into loft and retail space.
Source: Erik Tungate, Community & Economic Development Director, City of Hamtramck
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