Several General Motors employees banded together to found
Green Place Detroit, a non-profit that works with middle and high school students to build green homes from shipping containers. A team of
Ceasar Chavez Academy students is currently working with Green Placers, architects and builders to construct a home on a vacant double lot at 1296 Rademacher in Southwest Detroit.
Each Wednesday after school, students gather to work on their project. Tasks include model building, sign painting and even communicating with train companies regarding the use of shipping container. Lyron Maxey, Green Place's communications director, says the idea is to eventually replicate their current process again and again. "Once we've built one house and someone in the community has bought the house, then we start the next one."
Green Space consists of Maxey, James Bailey, Joaquin Nuño Whelan, Rob Thom and Tony Argote, Jr. The group formed with a strong mission: to change Detroit for the better. And, says Maxey, what better way to do that than "one house at a time."
Source: Lyron Maxey, Green Place Detroit
Writer: Kelli B. Kavanaugh
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