2130 Michigan Avenue is presently being renovated to house a brand new martini bar and coffee shop. Jerry Petkash, employee at Ford Motor Co. and part-owner of what is to be called The Gadjo Dilo, meaning ‘crazy stranger,' said, 'this will be a friendly place where singles, couples, or groups of people could come and have a lot of fun. His partner, Al Halversen, once a part of the Hungry Brain in Del Ray, will help with lighting and live concerts.
“We'll play Tango, Salsa, Reggae and Rock ‘n Roll music, and have plenty of beer, wine, fancy martini's and exotic mixed-drinks for our guests," Petkash said, “while the bar will be open in the evenings, the place will be open for coffee, snacks and drinks in the late mornings as well".
The opening is to take place around February of 2006 - just in time for the Super Bowl.
- Source: Information gathered from an interview with Jerry Petkash.
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