Southwest Detroit Passport offers incentive to "Explore the Detour"

As a companion piece to their well-received Southwest Detroit road map, the Explore the Detour Coalition has released a Passport that offers users discounts to more than 30 neighborhood restaurants.

The passport and the map both distinguish the five unique neighborhoods of Southwest Detroit -- participating restaurants in each include Baile Corcaigh and Mudgie's in Corktown, Los Galanes and Mexican Village in Mexicantown, El Barzon and Hygrade Deli on Michigan Avenue, Gonellas in Oakwood Heights and Vince's and Mi Pueblo in the W. Vernor Business District.

Passport holders simply present it at participating businesses to receive a 10 to 20% discount, as spelled out in the document. The passport "expires" when the Gateway Project construction is complete.

The Explore the Detour Coalition recently held a Southwest Detroit Lowrider Hop that was promoted with a commemorative poster designed by Camilo Pardo. They have a few that are signed to give away; anyone interested should contact Vittoria Katanski at the Southwest Detroit Business Assoc. at [email protected] or 313-842-0986.

Look for the passports around town, especially in Southwest Detroit, or contact Katanski to find out where to find one.

Source: Vittoria Katanski, SDBA
Writer: Kelli B. Kavanaugh

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