
As arguably the finest surviving street car suburb of turn of the century Detroit, Woodbridge sits solidly on the near-West Side. A few minutes from Downtown, New Center and Midtown, Woodbridge is primarily a residential neighborhood with many large historic homes, the area is also home to a growing number of art institutions — including the Contemporary Art Institute of Detroit, 4731 Gallery and 555.



HuffPost Detroit: 'Shack' becomes Woodbridge cycling center

Flagstar Bank aims for new branches in downtown, Midtown

Feature Story schwartzlist712

May the Schwartz be with you

Woodbridge artist works to open Live Coal Gallery on Trumbull

Community rebuilds Scripps Park at historic Woodbridge corner

Scripps Park expanding sensory garden experience

Challenge Detroit scores $500,000 in seed funding

Icrontic turning iconic Victorian in Woodbridge into geek mansion

Video stars: DetroitUnspun tunes into Data Driven Detroit

Ren Cen’s Urban Science joins Live Downtown push