
Hamtramck is a 2.2-square-mile city within the city, packed with a population that is one of the region's most diverse and culturally unique, with strong influences from people with Polish, Bangladeshi, Arab, Bosnian and African American backgrounds. Add to that ethnic mix a growing population of artists, hipsters, students and Midtown and downtown professionals who appreciate living in a vibrant, walkable neighborhood minutes away from anywhere by car or bicycle.

Fast Company visits U-M's Detroit 5 architects project

Public Pool Gallery opens in Hamtramck

Luring immigrants should be a strategy for Detroit

Feature Story Record Graveyard Sign

37 Minutes with Jason Friedmann in Hamtramck

So what's up with that random Detroit marching band?

Skipper's Bar opens on Conant in Hamtramck

John Lee Hooker's old haunts in Detroit

Model D TV: Polish Village Keeps It Old School in Hamtramck

The New York Times: Hamtramck is now home to paczkis and electric cars

ACC opens Hamtramck Center on Jos. Campau

Hamtramck's Master Plan includes interactive map

As Seen on Youtube: Don't forget about Hamtramck Disneyland